DB Cooper
D.B. Cooper
A uniquely American hero
The day before Thanksgiving in 1971, a man identifying himself as Dan Cooper bought a plane ticket from Portland to Seattle. He hijacked the plane, claiming he had a bomb in his briefcase and demanded $200,000 and four parachutes. He jumped out of the plane with the money and the bomb somewhere over the Pacific Northwest, never to be seen again.
The FBI claims to have investigated over 1,000 people including dozens of deathbed confessions. In 2016, 45 years after the hijacking the FBI suspended it’s investigation of the case.
While the FBI is no longer actively looking for DB Cooper, their is however a community of people who are continuing to try and solve the case on their own. They are known as the ‘Citizen Sleuths’
This website is part of that community. We hope to provide a useful resource for Cooper sleuths. both old and new.
The Books
Deatils of almost every book ever written about DB Cooper can be found on this website. Title, author & synopsis plus where to get hold of the book (if we know)
The Forum
The Forum is a community resource and place for discussion. We invite you to comment on the books listed here that you have read. We welcome honest feedback & opinions.
Other Resources
Check here for a summary of other DB Cooper resources that users may find helpful.
Highly Rated Books